Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The often remembered lanes

So it's time to go peep in our treasure chest once again. We love to live in memories. For me, I wish I could see my friends everyday, give them a huge hug, tell them how much I love them, how deeply I miss them and how beautiful they have made my life. I remember the first giggles and sniffles I shared with them.
Today's Memory: First Friends
They are your secret keepers. Your partners in crime and your comrades in figuring out concoctions to have super powers. They are your truest soul mates and the chivalrous protector from bullies.
Our first friends teach us what it is like to promise, to stand up for each other and to be there no matter what. No questions asked. And in return we learn to give. We learn to connect, to feel and to love. Now when we have grown up to be conveniently adult, maybe it is this innate learning of human connect that keeps us going. And even in times of utmost despair, "I still get by with a little help from my friends" .
All my love to all my friends who are and have always been there for me.

P.S. This actually started last week so...
And like every other kid, I too have my very own treasure chest. It is beautiful, surprising and equally carelessly cute when it comes to childhood memories. There is a point of time when we just want to regress a bit and go back. Back to simpler times and inhibition free days. When nobody would judge us for things said and done, where lifelong promises were over pinkie fingers bonding and when ice creams could soothe all the hurt in our little carefully knitted world. Probably we never want to grow up. And get hurt. So I start this today. One post on childhood memories every week.

Today's memory: Lunchbox.

I still recall the excitement when we would eagerly wait for that recess bell to ring. It was like a salvation from all the torture we had to face during lectures! And then. Then it would be the sweet sound of lunchboxes opening. Like synchronized rhythm one after another. Little clusters of ponytails and spiked hair would immediately form as we slowly start discovering the mystries our mums had packed. That's how I think all friendships started. That's how we first learned to share, to give, without expecting. And hence to bond. I so wish all that still remained as easy as that.

So I invite you all to share those little memories with Lunchboxes and recess bells. Lets all get a piece of our childhood back. One step at a time.

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